Monday, May 18, 2009

The Way My Mind Works

I saw the title of the latest post of one of the blogs I read:
In the ground.

I immediately thought of a burial. A tiny coffin. A babylost mama and daddy.

But this particular blog was one of the few non-babylost blogs I read and it was about planting, which in another world is where my mind would have gone this time of year.


  1. I do the same thing. I go to death and loss every time. It is not normal, but sadly it is normal for us.

  2. Sometimes I read a post on a blog platform that offers up links to possibly related posts (which have nothing to do with loss, usually) and I'm taken aback by how sad and odd my life has become.

  3. I think once loss finds you, you look for it - even in spaces it doesn't fit...

    sad - but - true
