Hope and Healing Hearts

In May 2007, my son, Henry was born with a hole in his heart. Surgery was successful, but over the course of several months we discovered other health issues. After months in the hospital, infection set in. He died in December 2007 leaving me with empty arms and a hole in my heart. With a gift from sisters and friends, I went back to yoga. Week after week I'd meditate by candle light. For much of the first year, heart-heal-hope was my mantra.

Hope came easier with the birth of my daughter Kathleen in December 2008. My arms and days became fuller, but my heart was, and is, still tender. My daughter Elizabeth joined us in December 2010.  Again my heart expanded to make room for another baby.

Now I have three babies. I get to watch two of them grow and hold the other forever in my heart. My heart continues to heal, and hope continues to shine in my daughters, the flash of a cardinal, and the kindness of the family and friends who keep me company on this journey