Monday, April 1, 2013

Green magic

 A cold front blew in today and the blue skies belied the blustery wind. I pushed aside the winter boots and snowpants along with any notion of packing them away. But, there was this:

and this:

This time of year is such a time of hope and promise and waiting. I remember knowing that even in the spring of 2008 when somehow knowing there was hope even if I didn't quite have it was enough.

Today, I have the hope, and I nearly squealed to see those seeds Kathleen and I planted in the old milk jugs starting to turn into broccoli and bok choi and lettuce and marigolds.


  1. Hurray! I love little green and growing things, and that's a great way to re-use milk jugs. There's a rhubarb plant in our front yard and my landlady hates rhubarb, so it is ALL MINE (insert maniacal laugh here).

    I hope some sunshine and warmer breezes find their way to you soon.

  2. I found the milk jug thing on Pinterest last year and saved milk jugs but never got to planting. I can't call it a success yet, but it's a cool start.

    And let me know if you want rhubarb recipes. I have a rhubarb pork sauce that is really yummy (also try it with raspberries instead of strawberries in pie).
